Price list

Simple, affordable options.

You pay the patient fee that applies according to the Region Stockholm tariff

Children up to 17 years
18-84 years
85+ years

About high-cost cover and free cards

High-cost protection means that you do not have to pay more than SEK 1,400 per year for medical care. If you reach the high-cost limit within a year, you get a free card.

Parents who have several children under the age of 18 in their care receive a fee waiver when the combined cost of the children's patient fees is €1,400.


In Stockholm County, your fees are registered electronically. Read more about high-cost protection and free cards in Stockholm County.

Fee for no-show or late rebooking

You will be charged a fee of SEK 400 if you do not cancel your planned treatment in good time, and do not have a valid reason. You can read more about it here.

However, you still do not have to pay a no-show fee if you have symptoms of a cold and cancel your appointment, even with less than 24 hours' notice. This exception is made because of the COVID-19 infection. However, you need to contact the clinic and let them know that you are unable to attend before the scheduled appointment.

How to pay

Pay by card or cash

If you do not have cash or card with you on your visit, you should be able to pay by invoice (30-day invoice).

Care on instalment plan

You can pay in installments if the cost of your care exceeds SEK 300 in a month. You can then pay the amount over SEK 300 the following month. Only applies to outpatient care. Contact your healthcare provider for more information.

Reminder and collection fee

You may have to pay SEK 60-180 for unpaid patient fees.

Private health examination

If you do not have a European health insurance card or certificate, you will pay the full cost of the treatment yourself. A doctor's visit at the Atrium Vårdcentral costs 1200 SEK.

Sweden has an agreement with a number of countries and provinces outside the EU. Depending on which country and province you come from, different rules apply.